Monday, May 11, 2009
Henry's Poetry
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Celebrating Roots & Shoots Day at the Oregon Zoo
Last weekend, Oregon celebrated the Roots & Shoots of Oregon clubs at the Oregon Zoo. We started the morning with an award show, folk singers, and a special large bird show. We helped with the Forest Grove R&S classroom tables. These classrooms offered zoo guests a chance to make catnip toys, clay seed balls, and peace crane origami. Chandler did an excelled job with the seed balls with a little help from Angie (an older R&S member). Henry spent most of that time making his crane with assistance from Chandler's friend Cash.
Next we had a behind-the-scene tour from a teen zookeeper. It was an awesome experience for all of us. We especially appreciated the newest display honoring Jane Goodall's work with primates and Root & Shoots involvement. But, we all agreed visiting and petting the rescued Armadillo was the highlight of the tour.
Lastly, our group manned our table, which displayed information about our group and the community services they complete throughout the year.
We finished the day with an environmentally conscience ride home on the MAX.
I am proud of Chandler and his friends' commitment of their time each week to help the environment and community...Way to go Chandler.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm
Enjoy this slide show of our recent visit to Woodburn's Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. I had to do a little begging with Chandler and Henry to do this road trip with me. I guess it wasn't their idea of a fun day off from school. When all was said and done, they admitted having a lot of fun and were amazed by the rows and rows of tulips. Also, by all the vibrant colors. Who knew there could be so many different, natural tulip colors and varieties.