Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy 90th Birthday Granddad!

We all wish we could be with you to celebrate this birthday. We fondly remember those birthday celebrations in Pasadena.

Instead of us being there in person, we decided to share a few recent videos and pictures.

The first two are from Chandler's recent string concert. We are so impressed with his ability to play and chew gum at the same time! All kidding aside, his teacher believes he has "true potential" so we will continue to pursue out Yo-Yo Ma!

This photo is for Ron too. Chandler cooking with his new iron gloves Aunt Sheri and Uncle Mike sent him for Christmas.

This is Henry during his winter concert. I know it is a little jumpy but I've never seen a child so sad to sing The Candy Man! Hold out for the very end, he finally is the end of the concert. If you can't find him, he is just behind and to the right of the kid in the white and red striped shirt. He is wearing blue with green stripes just like the tall kid behind him and to the right.

This is Henry sledding down the street near our house during our Christmas time Arctic Blast! He loved sledding during all that snow. It snow a few inches the other day and he asked if we could go sledding!

This is Henry with is mini-snowman. He just loved playing in the snow.

I wanted have a video today of us all but Wade is down with the flu. He came home Friday night and hasn't left bed since. Luckily he can stay with us until next Friday!

We do wish you all the best Granddad. Give our love to the rest of the family. We would love for you to visit us in Oregon. It is beautiful country here.

Happy Birthday Great-Granddad!!!!!


Michelle, Wade, Chandler and Henry