Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Official Oregon Driver

I am now an official Oregon driver as of today. No, I didn't get in an accident...I passed my Oregon driver's test!
My AZ driver's license was my last residential connection to Arizona (besides our house in Eagar). Taking the test was a little scary. I couldn't imagine the need to read the manual after 20+ years of driving, but after I failed the sample test online it seemed like a good idea.
I would bet there are others like me who think it isn't necessary. Obviously, they plan the questions in a way to be sure you read the manual. For example, do you know the maximum travel speed of a low-speed vehicle (i.e. farm equipment)? 15, 20, 25, or 30 mph? I knew it because I read the manual but what if I hadn' guess!
Anyway, I did pass with a 28 out of 31, not A! I was so excited to pass I didn't think twice about handing over my AZ license, which I had since 1995 and didn't expire until 2033! Even more exciting my picture is better! I have on a nice smile and a turtleneck (or frogneck) so I look very Oregonian!

PS I also registered to vote just in time for the Oregon Primary...for the first time as an Independent!

(answer: 25 mph)


Wendy said...

I am an Independent also. I like how the Democrats allow Independents to vote in their primaries.

ORSprueills said...

I like the idea of seeming undecided...a party needs to work for my vote instead assuming they have my vote based on how I'm registered. And yes, the open primary is a plus. The current primary situation had a lot to do with my choice.