Friday, September 12, 2008

A Little Squirrelly

Look who I found noshing on our apples. Isn't he(she) adorable. We have so many apples, I'm happy to share with our wildlife and neighbors. Our squirrels are very bird feeder friendly. They many nibble on fallen seed but usually let the birds have the feeder.
My mom and Ted weren't as lucky. It was a constant challenge to find a solution to their squirrel problem. One year, I even commissioned a wood craftsman to make a window feeder I designed.
This cartoon is a family favorite.


ORSprueills said...

I didn't know that! I have a great card to send you, if that is the case. You know me always trying to make light of bad situation.
We have only one that visits on a regular basis, so you should be safe here.

Wendy said...

I would like to see a picture of that bird feeder you designed! Did it keep the squirrels away? When I was back in CT, I was devising all kinds of squirrel scare tactics. They were so brazen I could get right up close and shoot them with a squirt gun. They do have a bold personality, Tina, watch out then next time you are home.

ORSprueills said...

I don't have a picture, it was many, many years ago. It was like the many you see on the market these days. It had a long ledge which fit under the window sill, the feeder sat at the end. Unless a squirrel could scale the house, it couldn't reach the feeder.