Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sprite is 11 today!

I can't believe my baby is 11 years old today! Seems like yesterday we were calling family and friends to tell them Chandler was born 8 days early and on our 3rd anniversary.

Chandler, life can and will bring you magnificent treasurers. I always thought you were shy, but I've learned you are more of a thinker, an observer. Considering the who, what, where, and how of your surroundings. Your adjustment to our new life in Oregon is amazing. Keep smiling, you have your father's eyes, they smile when you smile.
PS thank you for understanding about Mom and Dad picking the restaurant for dinner out.
We can't wait to have dinner with you and Henry. Your party on Saturday will be awesome!

1 comment:

dsnyfam said...

Happy Birthday Chandler - tall man! Hope the party is fun and your birthday is all you hoped for. Wish we could be there. We're having a dinner party here tonight for my bday so we are kind of celebrating together! Uncle Charlie is cooking dinner but I've got to go clean the house... :) Happy, happy day. xo Your Crazy Aunt Suzanne