Sunday, April 6, 2008

New Photos! (Photos are below)

Thank you Tina, for taking my film for development. I had purchased two CVS disposable, digital cameras, when I lost my camera and prior to leaving Az. Once I arrived in OR, I found out CVS is not within 100 miles. Tina was nice enough to let me mail the cameras to her, take them in for development and mail them she has nothing else to do with her free time! So thank you again Tina.

Above are three slide shows, one on moving day...notice the huge truck to hold all our stuff; another from our last few days with friends in AZ...I'm missing pictures of several that came to say good-bye; and the last is our first trip to the west side of Oregon.

1 comment:

ORSprueills said...

It is beautiful and only about 70 miles away!

I wonder what it looks like now. How did they decorate it or paint, etc.