Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thoughts and Prayers to my big sister.

Update Wednesday pm: Received the call from my BIL Mike, Sheri is in recovery. The surgery was without complication, although she did go into vfib twice during the surgery. Don't need more of a sign than that!

Original Posting, Wednesday am: My oldest sister, Sheri, will receive her defibrillator today. She went Friday for her EPS and her cardiologist was also amazed by her heart's quick reaction. She is the last of the three sisters to receive an ICD.
See this posting for more information on our condition and when my sister Suzanne had hers implanted in February.

Check back for updates on her recovery.


ORSprueills said...

Since, in our case, ARVD is genetic, Sheri had the EPS, which also found the trait. Our children, when they are of age, will be tested also. Thank you for the thoughts.

ORSprueills said...

Tina-How is your brother doing with his heart tests?

Wendy said...

I am glad all went well with her surgery and now you are all protected. What is the history of this disorder? Is it from your mom or dad's side?

ORSprueills said...

Without having the genetic testing it is a guess but we believe my father's side, since my grandfather and uncle both have (had) heart pacing issues.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't know that the heart problems affected others in your family. I hope your Sis is recovery from her procedure without any problems. Stay Healthy !!