Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Gas Prices and the Ice Cream Man!?

Today, I heard the familiar song of the ice cream truck. I was excited to share the summertime tradition with the boys.
Growing up on Park Hill Drive, we loved climbing out of our pool, grabbing a towel, and flagging down the truck...just in time!
As the other kids on our street flagged down the truck today, Chandler and Henry just stood still staring at the truck. They looked as if they had never witnessed such a thing. Honestly, I believe they haven't except once with Grandma and Grandpa on Park Hill Drive several years ago (picture above).
Of course, I was mom-of-the-year when I walked over with cash in hand.
What I don't recall from my childhood is the exact price of those ice cream treats. I thought it was around $.50 or so for a pop or cone. Today, the total for two treats $4.50! Only upside, I didn't have enough cash for me to have one also.


Shannon said...

how old is Henry in this picture?? My kids can hear the ice cream man coming a mile away. It is fun for them expensive for me. I make them buy thier own now that the novelty of it all has worn off.

Are you enjoying your real (not hot) summer??

ORSprueills said...

Shannon- He was 3 years old there. So sad, isn't he.
I am enjoying the real summer. The first week it was hard to keep them outside for very long but now they are out almost all day. Next week I hope to start on the U-Pick farms for berries and such.
Any more thoughts about early August?

ORSprueills said...

We didn't have Mister Softee. I know there is a good joke in there someplace but I'll leave it alone. Baskin and Friendly's were our two favorite, beside the many roadside ice cream stops. They are like the coffee huts out here.

Wendy said...

Henry is so cute in this picture!

Wendy said...

Henry is so cute in this picture!