Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Camp Sprueill

Over the weekend, Wade set up camp in the backyard for the boys (including himself). They had new sleeping bags to sleep in, since their others are in Eagar. Wade slept in the next tent, while I enjoyed having our bed to myself.
They had no problem falling asleep but the early rising was a problem for me. I could hear them discussing going inside to the bathroom at about 6:00 a.m. I did fall back asleep for a little while but it was nothing to compare with my usual 9:00 a.m. wake-up. Anyway, I took advantage of the early rise to make them blueberry pancakes. I'm a product of the Bisquick generation; I believe this was the first time I had made pancakes from scratch. They were pretty good considering I used whole wheat and soy flour.
The three of them shared their camping adventure during breakfast. Stories included-- if they could go inside to pee (or outside!), an owl hooting into the night, and a screeching 'bird' very close to the tent. At least it wasn't Bigfoot!


Wendy said...

What fun! An owl hooting! You guys are right in the middle of nature! It is part of your everyday life - you are so lucky! I am glad it wasn't Bigfoot (Henry was reading over my shoulder and he has a big interest in Bigfoot and said that there would be a skunk like smell if Bigfoot was near {he listens to the Georgy Nory radio program on aliens, bigfoot, shadowpeople etc}).

Wendy said...

I forgot to add - "my usual 9am" what is this! you late sleeper. I am glad you made pancakes from scratch - they are way better than Bisquick (which I grew up on too). When Henry was a toddler I made him scratch pancakes everyday for a year. He loved them. Now Anna won't eat them unless she has "fake" syrup - she won't eat the maple!

ORSprueills said...

Just about in the middle, we do like it. Did you see the Bigfoot link on my sidebar? Also, I will email you a like to Google Earth in our area, it has links to BF sightings in the area. We have smelt a skunk but have never seen one!
You should talk about the wake up time missy!
I'd like to find a good local syrup maker...haven't yet.

ORSprueills said...

He wears his retainer at night only...for the rest of his life!

Anonymous said...

Well, I must say, you boys are very lucky to have such a fun pair of parents. I love sleeping in a tent and we did purchase a large tent a few years ago. The girls would have their girlfriends over and have a ball out there. Last year I spent some time in the tent at Prudence, RI. It wasn't as comfortable as I remember, and I even had the blow up mattress! I'm spoiled with my Sealy Posturepedic.

ORSprueills said...

Yes, Wade and the boys remember the tent sleeping in RI as well, without a mattress!