Monday, September 1, 2008

Get &%#@ off my #*&@*ing feeder!

See what has our humming bird in a tither...

Suddenly, out of the blue, bees have taken a liking to one of our hummingbird feeders. Brutus is not happy!
I have done some research online for solutions, like moving the feeder, painting the flowers red, and changing feeders. Although this feeder is one of the recommended for keeping bees off, apparently it has a leak.
Give me a few days for results.


ORSprueills said...

Good comment...I should clarify, these are honey bees, the meat trap is only for wasps and yellowjacks. They like the meat but honey bees go for sugar. We are trying to move the honey bees without killing them.

It was a great conversation and so good to hear your voice again. I can still think of a list of questions I wanted to ask you. I guess next time.

Wendy said...

At first glance these bees looked like a tarantula. Maybe you could try your hand at beekeeping. Yummy honey and plenty of pollinators for your garden and fruit trees. Here's a link

ORSprueills said...

I have thought about that and will check out the website, and also pass on to my sister in TX considering beekeeping. Not everybody in the household is up to the idea of MANY bees in the yard. I did purchased a habitat for Mason bees which we will set out next spring. They don't produce honey but are great pollinators.