Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Camera Update

No, I did not find my camera. Can you believe that? I'm letting it go, along with the garden tools.

I love my new camera. It shot this video of the surprise snow we received today. Check back for pictures of the newly painted garage and the lawn Michelle mowed and weeded on Monday.


ORSprueills said...

I know, how stupid of me...oh well.

Could you tell the size of the flakes...huge. I remember that beautiful spring AZ weather. It isn't so bad here. Usually 50-60, today it was 40 even with the snow!

We love that show, thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I guessed that you didn't find your what do I win ?? Ha Ha.
Michelle, when I woke up this morning there was already at least 2" of new snow, and more was coming down so heavily that when you looked outside it was just solid white. We'll probably have 4-5" before the morning ends. The flakes are huge here also. They keep saying that Spring is here...but I think they're pulling my leg.

ORSprueills said...

Melissa, so how much snow did you get? It was snowing this morning too but slow, small flakes. It was off and on all day but nothing stuck.

ORSprueills said...

Also, Melissa, you win a box of goodies, left on your driveway! :)