Friday, May 23, 2008

Catfish is Eight!

Happy Birthday Henry, aka Catfish, Little Man, Sprout, Solid, Sir Henry, Oh Henry!

You have grow in so many ways this year. Everyday I am impressed by your honesty, humor, intelligence, creativity and compassion. You are a good son, brother and friend. I'm so excited to celebrate your birthday with you today, as are Chandler and Dad. Have a great day today. I will see you later at school.
In addition, I am adding how much I admire Chandler for his attitude towards Henry's birthday. He is so excited to celebrate with him and is keeping his gifts a secret. In turn Henry has shown the same respect to Chandler in the past.
Growing up, I had a neighbor "friend" (I use the quotes because I remember not liking her that much because of how she behaved), she had a sister. I distinctly remember at my "friend's" birthday party, the sister cried because she didn't have a gift to open. Instead of the buck-it-up speech I would give, her parents gave in and let her open a gift! Of course, the birthday girl began to cry, if I remember correctly, the party ended early.
I believe this is why I'm so intent on party guests sitting back and watching the birthday child open gifts. I hate when guests try to open the gifts or get in their face. You get only one birthday per year, but we all get one (except Goldstar, his is on Leap Day) so back off to let the birthday child enjoy the attention. That's all I'm going to say about that!


ORSprueills said...

It is from Mother's Day. He made it at school.

Shannon said...

Holy Cow Henry, I can't believe your are eight! We hope you had a GREAT DAY!! We miss you buddy!

I so enjoy reading these. I wish I had the time and knowledge to do such things. They are a wonderful read!!

ORSprueills said...

I love that you read them. You know I would call every week if I could.
I can't help with the time but the knowledge is simple. and follow instructions. I would love to read about you and your family. We miss you too.