Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Guitar Hero Contest

Wednesday, we attended our first Guitar Hero contest in Forest Grove. It is sponsored by the local tanning salon, on the third and fourth Wednesday of the month. A large screen is set outside the salon on Main Street. The timing coincides with the weekly Farmer's Market, which is a plus for me, I love shopping the market.

Chandler and Henry really didn't want to go. Not because they don't love Guitar Hero but the socializing factor bothered them. I had to pull the, 'try just this time, if you don't like it, we won't do it again' lure. It worked!

And as with most things they are unsure about, it was great fun and they can't wait to go again. Chandler came in 4th and Henry 5th plus he won the cash raffle. The possibility of winning a raffle each week excited them both. Henry came home and practiced, practiced, practiced. I must admit I'm wanting to tune-up myself, as the other kids asked me to play

Afterwards, we did shop the Farmer's Market. I really enjoy attending each week and supporting local growers. It is so tempting and convenient to purchase produce from the grocery store but I am committed to being a locavore. This week I bought, potatoes, sugar-snap peas, squash, carrots, all for about $7, not bad. Friday, we hope to U-Pick blueberries, to start the blueberry jam and pies.

It was a good afternoon in town, especially considering between 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. I was vomiting my brains out! Oh my gosh, what a awful feeling. I'm not quite sure why I got so sick, other than I had a headache which could have become a migraine. When I'm sick like this, especially vomiting, I often think of my mom during her chemo treatments. I recall her telling me how painful it was and how sick she felt. She always wanted to prepare for the best not the worst, but she just wouldn't know until it was there. Imagine that feeling of not know how long you will be sick, how bad it will be, is this the worst or just the beginning. Needless to say, I started to cry during all the puking which really didn't help. I kept having to blow my nose between all the hurling. I'm sure she would think I was silly for doing that to myself. I pictured her holding my hair back like when I was a little girl. Then Wade came in with water and offered to help...that was nice. I stayed in bed all day, until I had to shower to take them to Guitar Hero.
After Wade got home from work and dinner, I was folding and sorting the laundry from two days ago, which leads to the funny for the day. As I was finishing up, Henry came in and asked if I was done yet. I said, "No, why?" He replied, "I told Dad he should come help you finish the laundry, while I go outside and play."
Thanks for looking out for me Henry.


Kary Ann Hoopes Photography said...

i love that you have a market like that. sooo fun. i bet it is beautiful there.

ORSprueills said...

So good to see your smile!

ORSprueills said...

You would love the farmer's market Tina. It is nice to plan dinners around picking up a handful of this and that.

I am better, thank you. It happens a lot, but not always that strong and sometimes that strong but with a happy thought...which it good.

They have practiced all week!

Anonymous said...

Molly loves guitar hero as well. It would be cool to compare which songs you guys like best, right? I tried a few times but not so good! Need to practice more I'm sure. Great going guys!!

So weird about the throwing up thing Michelle... Vicki just gave me a book that she says all "us girlfriends" have to read. I took it first, The Saving Graces. Well, without giving it all away, one girl's cancer returns and she goes into total detail, I mean total, about the chemo reaction, etc... I almost wanted to be annoyed at Vicki because it was so painful to read that part. I'm only 1/2 way throught the book, too. I guess everyone can't guess what is painful to read/see. Nanny MCphee was great/watched it yesterday after Leanne recommended it; but also soo sad to see the husband talking to the empty chair during the movie. Happy note - after reading last night I had a dream with Mommy in it and she was there just chatting with me and some women about hairdos and things...I realized she was there, too, which is the best part of dreaming about her, when you realize it's a prized moment.

ORSprueills said...

It is a prized moment!

Maybe the ending of the book is good and will cancel out the hard parts?

Visit again soon! I'll be looking for your blog!

Wendy said...

I can't even imagine what it would be like to be sick and not know if it is the worst part or will it better. Such terrible suffering your mom and so many others go through. I am sorry for it. What a mysterious illness - are these common symptoms for your migraines? I am glad you have a family that looks out for you!