Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July

As I stated in my previous posting, I did pick cherries most of the day. Wade started replacing our fence gate. The gate that leads to our backyard and three, very fruitful apple trees, which we must guard...but that's another story.

We left the evening for the bar-b-que and fireworks. Since Oregon allows a medium level of fireworks in the city, we decided to take part in the tradition of lighting our own fireworks out front. After a delicious dinner of ribs (made with my Rhubarb-b-que Sauce), corn-on-the-cob, local sugar snap peas, and bread, we headed to the front to wait for dark and the fireworks.

And wait, and wait, darkness is about 10:00pm here. Being the Boy Scouts we are, we took all the precautions, water bucket, sitting far away, Wade even wore a glove for the hand held ones. We all had a great time. The anticipation of what each firework would bring was so exciting. Several neighbors had the same plan, including the police chief, who lives two doors down, so we figured we were legal.

1 comment:

ORSprueills said...

Not sure about the moist theory since New Mexico allows them also. But it does make sense.