Update Wednesday pm: Received the call from my BIL Mike, Sheri is in recovery. The surgery was without complication, although she did go into vfib twice during the surgery. Don't need more of a sign than that!
Original Posting, Wednesday am: My oldest sister, Sheri, will receive her defibrillator today. She went Friday for her EPS and her cardiologist was also amazed by her heart's quick reaction. She is the last of the three sisters to receive an ICD.
See this posting for more information on our condition and when my sister Suzanne had hers implanted in February. http://wmchsprueill.blogspot.com/2008/02/its-family-affair.html
Check back for updates on her recovery.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thoughts and Prayers to my big sister.
Monday, April 28, 2008
What is missing?
Another mowing down, how many weeks until winter? I must say, it does look nice and green! There are a few holes here and there. Wade and I really don't want to know what, if anything, is living in those holes.
Some more flowers are blooming around our yard.
Also, the front view of the house is different. Can you tell what is different?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Official Oregon Driver
I am now an official Oregon driver as of today. No, I didn't get in an accident...I passed my Oregon driver's test!
My AZ driver's license was my last residential connection to Arizona (besides our house in Eagar). Taking the test was a little scary. I couldn't imagine the need to read the manual after 20+ years of driving, but after I failed the sample test online it seemed like a good idea.
I would bet there are others like me who think it isn't necessary. Obviously, they plan the questions in a way to be sure you read the manual. For example, do you know the maximum travel speed of a low-speed vehicle (i.e. farm equipment)? 15, 20, 25, or 30 mph? I knew it because I read the manual but what if I hadn't...total guess!
Anyway, I did pass with a 28 out of 31, not bad...an A! I was so excited to pass I didn't think twice about handing over my AZ license, which I had since 1995 and didn't expire until 2033! Even more exciting my picture is better! I have on a nice smile and a turtleneck (or frogneck) so I look very Oregonian!
PS I also registered to vote just in time for the Oregon Primary...for the first time as an Independent!
(answer: 25 mph)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
In The Motherhood- Rated PG13
This is a must see website http://inthemotherhood.msn.com/
These are real stories submitted by mothers and acted out by Jenny McCarthy, Leah Remini, and Chelsea Handler, with a number of guest stars. I find Season 2 to be the best but Season 1 is good also. Season 2 has more of the sister relationship between Jenny and Chelsea which is a crack-up.
I know a few stories we all could share!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Wade!
Today is my wonderful husband's birthday. Yesterday, we took him to Home Depot (for blinds and a door, not birthday gifts) but before we could leave, I needed to clean out the van, to make room for the door.
It is hard to purchase large gifts and get away with it, especially without the big walk-in closet to hide them in. (I once hid a giant, rolling tool chest in my AZ closet until Christmas.) I couldn't hide the grill for more than a day in the car.
After taking the grill out and looking it over, we left for Home Depot, purchased the blinds, then took Wade to McMenamins for an early dinner. We love to eat there, it is consistently good, has good service, and good beer. Also, we found out yesterday...good desserts!
Today, I just returned from taking the boys to purchase their new Pokemon DS games. They earned the money from selling things at the garage sale and doing chores...way to go boys. Now we are hanging together and getting ready to grill some brats. Have a great day and Happy Birthday Mr. Wonderful.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Did a week pass?
We all had dental check-ups with our new dentist on Tuesday, Wade stayed home again. (probably the worst part of moving, finding new doctors of all kinds) I had two visits, because the first for adults is a consultation, then they do a cleaning at another visit, so that was Wednesday and a hair appointment.
Another Danger, Danger.
A few weekends ago, we were invited to dinner at Brad and Amber's house. They are a newlywed couple who work with Wade. Some of you may have heard the story of Wade calling me from Oregon in 2002 after a night out with Brad. He missed the train, was lost, and thought he was calling Brad for directions. Instead, he was calling his sleeping wife in Arizona.
Amber grew up in southern Colorado, which we have visited many times, beautiful part of the country. She is always amazed that we know the Movie Manor in Monte Vista, CO, a Best Western with a drive in theatre you can watch from your room...very cool.
Anyway, Wade was running errands, including picking up wine for the dinner (because we couldn't show up with Pepsi and Ring-Dings). I suggested the winery up the hill http://www.davidhillwinery.com/. Well a few hours later, he returns with a bottle for dinner, a bottle of port (to share with his dad), wine club membership and a smile! He was so excited to get out and socialize with the locals.
PS Dinner was lovely.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
New Photos! (Photos are below)
Thank you Tina, for taking my film for development. I had purchased two CVS disposable, digital cameras, when I lost my camera and prior to leaving Az. Once I arrived in OR, I found out CVS is not within 100 miles. Tina was nice enough to let me mail the cameras to her, take them in for development and mail them back...like she has nothing else to do with her free time! So thank you again Tina.
Above are three slide shows, one on moving day...notice the huge truck to hold all our stuff; another from our last few days with friends in AZ...I'm missing pictures of several that came to say good-bye; and the last is our first trip to the west side of Oregon.